Your Support

All of my packages begin with a complimentary interview and intake questionnaire. Here we’ll discover your primary needs and decide if I’m a good fit to meet them. *Spoiler alert* I am not going to be the best fit for every family. I would be a terrible care provider if I tried to be perfect for everybody. It’s vitally important to me that you feel comfortable with my approach and the energy I bring to your home because I will be with you during some very vulnerable moments. Please don’t let your desire for care be stronger than your desire for the right care from the right person.

Once you sign a contract we’ll talk about your plans for bringing baby home, your support system, your dreams and your fears. We’ll go over your feeding goals and talk about your expectations. We’ll strategize your care and the care of those in your home. When I leave you’ll take a deep breath and feel just a little more “ready”.

From there, I begin supporting you to the degree that you choose:


In-home lactation consultations allow you to learn and troubleshoot at your own pace, in the spaces you already feed your baby.

Based on 27 hours of care, instead of “per-visit”, and a whole lot more than just lactation.

A Single Lactation Visit


Single visits are a good fit for tackling single issues. They also make a great baby shower gift!